PDG Animation Retarget System

Original MoCap Skeleteton

Original MoCap Skeleteton

Meta Human Skeleton

Meta Human Skeleton

Batch importing of animation files driven by attributes

Batch importing of animation files driven by attributes

Match Pose node used to give the same pose to both skeletons

Match Pose node used to give the same pose to both skeletons

Point Map node for mapping relevant joints from the original skeleton to retarget

Point Map node for mapping relevant joints from the original skeleton to retarget

The Full Body IK node transfer the motion using full-body inverse kinematics algorithm.

The Full Body IK node transfer the motion using full-body inverse kinematics algorithm.

Joint motion preview

Mesh motion preview

FBX file output driven by attributes

FBX file output driven by attributes

TOPs network managing the Input/Output of animation files

TOPs network managing the Input/Output of animation files

Final test with different animations

Breakdown of an animation retarget system I made using Houdini PDG for the game "Gold Fever - The Promised Land". Since the project was using Meta Humans there were mismatching issues with bones and joints at the time to use some commercial mocap animation libraries. The task was to build a scalable system capable of handling bulks of animations in the lesser time possible. The procedural nature of Houdini and the extremely powerful Kine FX set of tools were the perfect fit for the job. I added a TOPs network (PDG) to fully automate the process.